About Class

Before session 5,I thought about which course should I choose,Blogging or Sport and finally I choose Blogging. The homework in Blogging class is writing a small essay and sharing own store relating to topic everyday. Blogging is a kind of novel class because I can become intimate with many classmate while I introduce and share myself at blogging,which can improve my skill of writing.

What I remember firmly is that we were asked to writing an blogging about one of three movie after we watched it. During that time,I try to watch horror movie and many wonderful movie,but some times I took a nap due to subtitle without showing at the movie. Last week,I writing my opinion and feeling about The Boy at the blogging.

The time have gone quickly and now it is almost end of session 5. Indeed,I learn many things at this class except for skill of writing. On the one hand, I learn to how to share my favorite cars and movies and so on with others and how to make friends with others. On the other hand,I knew about my fault and correct it.

I think there are something in the class need to be changed. Firstly,I think we should watch movie which is classical and popular or easy to know what it talk about. Secondly, we can have one more field trip and writing blogging about it.

It is a new class in this session that I never heard and enjoyed in before. It is more relaxed than past class but I can still learn more at this class in a good way of studying. What I share and what I watch in the class is memorable and I am glad to be a part of Mr.Willis class.

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